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Nexxus Care | No Smoking Day


This year, Nexxus Care are promoting todayistheday to assist smokers in quitting. We are taking this action because they are closely working with the Alzheimer’s Society this year, and it is something that is important to us as our business is involved with dementia. Todayistheday promote the no smoking day every year with this non smoking day falling on the 8th March 2023. 

One of the best things you can do for your health is to stop smoking. When you have access to the correct resources and a wide range of options, quitting is much simpler.

You can still succeed even if you’ve tried before. Your aim of quitting smoking will be easier to achieve with knowledge view our suggestions, resources, and hints below. You got this!

Smokers have an increased risk of dementia, and smoking can substantially increase the risk of other health conditions. Up to four in ten cases of dementia could be linked to health, lifestyle and environmental risk factors. The WHO Knowledge Summary on Tobacco and Dementia explains many of the reasons behind the link between smoking and dementia. An example of this includes the fact that the two most common forms of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia) have both been linked to problems with the vascular system (your heart and blood vessels).

Quitting Tips!

Once you have picked your quit date, add it to your calendar.
List your reasons to quit. Tell people you’re quitting.
If you have tried to quit before, remember what worked.
Use stop smoking aids.
Have a plan if you are tempted to smoke.
List your smoking triggers and how to avoid them.
Keep cravings at bay by keeping busy.
Exercise away the urge.
Throw away all your cigarettes before you start.

“I have tried many times to stop smoking but on Christmas eve 2022 I decided to simply give it up. I bought a vape and that’s what I now use to distract myself. I realised during January just how much I had been spending on smoking it works out that I was spending more on cigarettes that i was the finance for my car. I now remind myself that not smoking pays for my car and gives me more money to spend on the pony I bought for my granddaughter. My advice to smokers out there would be that I was smoking around 40 to 50 a day and I have always said if I can do it anyone can”

Free Resources To Help You Stop! 🚭

Download the free NHS Quit Smoking app – For iPhoneFor Android
Vaping To Quit Advice, CLICK HERE
Finding your local help, CLICK HERE
Todayistheday help and advice, CLICK HERE
NHS Better health quit smoking advice, CLICK HERE

Nexxus Care is a trading name of Nexxus Trading Services Ltd Registered Office: Unit 3-04 St Albans House, Enterprise Centre, St Albans Road, Stafford ST16 3DP Company Number: 07482726
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