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Nexxus Care | Anxiety

In celebration for the support the mental health awareness week hosted by the mental health foundation provides, we wanted to create and share this blog about something that is close to our hearts. Anxiety. We know there are people within our business that suffer from Anxiety, and we just don’t think it is talked about enough. Anxiety is sometimes looked upon as not a serious illness. However, it should be treated and cared for just as much as some diseases out there. For those that don’t know what anxiety is then please read this blog so we can help educate you, maybe you can then help out a friend, support them and guide them into the right direction into getting them better.

What is Anxiety?


Anxiety is the individual response to situations like feeling threatened, under pressure or stressed: for example, if you have an upcoming exam, job interview or even something as simple as a family event. Anxiety can come in different forms and is directly linked to overthinking.
Anxiety can affect your way of living and can become very intense and hard to control. This is when you should talk to someone about these issues to get a resolution.

Think back to a time where you have been overthinking? Is it a regular occurrence? You may have anxiety…

What are the symptoms?

Anxiety can affect both your body and mind. The effect on your mind can include:

A feeling of dread or fearing the worst.

Feeling on edge or panicky.

Difficulty concentrating.


Feeling detached from yourself or the world around you.

Physical feelings can include:


Feeling dizzy or light-headed.

Wobbly legs or pins and needles in your hands and feet.

Shortness of breath or hyperventilating.

Heart palpitations (a noticeably strong, fast heartbeat).

Nausea (feeling sick).

Needing the toilet more or less often.


Sleep problems.

Panic attacks.

Your behaviour can be affected by anxiety. You could avoid particular situations, feel unable to go to work, or withdraw from friends and family. When avoiding circumstances provides you with momentary comfort, the anxiety usually returns the next time you encounter it. Avoiding it merely makes you feel more in danger and prevents you from ever knowing if your fears are justified.
Anxiety isn’t something you can see. Anyone can have it, it is stereotyped that to have anxiety you will have this dark and down look and be unsociable. But, in most cases the people with anxiety are those you wouldn’t even think of ever having it.

This is why we are big believers of being nice to everyone because you never know what is going on in someone’s head. You may of seen our promotion of the Creating Smiles Campaign we do this to promote happiness and hope others will follow our beliefs in making people happy.

Getting Support

Anxiety can be treated and managed in a variety of ways. The best course of action for you will depend on the type and severity of your anxiety as well as your personal situation.

In most cases, speaking with your GP is the initial step in receiving support. This could be challenging, especially if you find it difficult to leave the house or speak on the phone due to nervousness. Check to see whether you can make an appointment online, or have someone call and make the call on your behalf. They could support you by accompanying you to your appointment. If it feels more comfortable, you could perhaps refer yourself for talking therapy.

There is also a lot of self-help activities you can do at the comfort of your own home, see the full NHS guide here: NHS Anxiety Self-Help Guide

Dont forget The mental health foundation provide free support and advice, please CLICK HERE to review there support methods.

Need Urgent Support?

03444 775 774 T

Text support: 07537 416 905

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