Tel: 01785 270920

Welcome To Nexxus Care

Nexxus care is a unique company, wholly owned by Staffordshire County Council that aim to deliver the highest quality of care across Staffordshire. We run our services around people and not tasks or processes. We deliver a wide range of services to vulnerable adults in the community.


Years of Operation


Staff Members


Care Sites


Service Users

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Our Care Services in Staffordshire

Everyone Deserves The Best Care

Domiciliary Care

Domiciliary care is a long-term package of care that is delivered within someone’s own home. For us we deliver this type of care to vulnerable adults within the community and our aim is to provide the best care possible. We understand that being cared for in your own home, for most, is the preferred option and therefore we are always seeking ways to improve our services as we believe quality is of upmost importance, and feedback is key to ensuring we continually build upon existing practices.

We currently operate one Domiciliary care service...

More About Domiciliary Care

Reablement Care

We are commissioned to deliver a reablement program across East Staffordshire where individuals that have had a period of stay in hospital are offered up to 6 weeks intensive program to regain independence. We see reablement as a ‘do with’ service rather than ‘do for’. This service has occupational therapist's input alongside highly trained and skilled team leaders/support workers.

More About Reablement Care

Extra Care

Extra Care (also known as assisted living) is a long-term package of care that is delivered within one building. The way it works is each service user has there own self-contained apartment, with their own front door, but staff are on-site 24 hours per day to provide personal care and support services (Simile to Domiciliary Care). These are tailored to the individual and can include help with washing, dressing, going to the toilet, and taking medication. Domestic help, such as shopping and laundry, and meals may also be provided. We provide this service to 220+ vulnerable adults within our extra care schemes...

More About Extra Care

Residential Care

Residential Care is a long term package of care that is delivered in permanent accommodation and 24-hour care and support to the elderly over the age of 55 years old. Our referrals are predominantly Local Authority led and our aim is to offer support to the elderly (and their carers/family members) who may find it difficult to manage daily life at home.

Meadowrythe Residential Home is a 41-bed Residential facility located in Tamworth, Staffordshire. Nexxus sister home...

More About Residential Care

Learning Disability Respite Care

Respite care is a short-term package of care & support along with accommodation that is offered to our guests whilst their family or carers take a break from their role as the main carer, to take time out for themselves, as when caring for someone, even someone you love can be demanding, challenging and exhausting, we all need a break from time to time and respite care offers just that.

Respite care can be a planned service when you choose it, subject to availability on your chosen dates but also in...

More About Learning Disability Respite Care

About Our Care Services

Providing the best care for people in Staffordshire that need it.

To provide quality, cost effective and innovative care through a highly motivated and professional team enabling citizens to enjoy healthier, more fulfilled lives.

We are ambitious, courageous and empowering.
We support and enable our staff to make things better.
We are open to doing things differently and will make best use of new technologies.
We are bold and willing to take difficult decisions in a commercial operating context.
We will make a contribution to tackling climate change.

The focus of operations is to intervene in the care market on behalf of the Council.
We will be available to offer a ‘provider of last resort’ in the event that the market is unable to provide care.
We will grow business with the Council by agreement with commissioners.
We will operate to same ‘rules’ as other providers in the independent sector.
We will seek to offer services to self-funders within the conditions of the ‘Teckal’ exemption.
We will operate with Staffordshire and on the borders of the county.
Our risk appetite is “moderate”.
We will embrace new technologies.
We will minimise our carbon footprint and make a contribution to tackling climate change.
We strive to be an exemplar provider of services in the care industry.


Nexxus Care is a trading name of Nexxus Trading Services Ltd Registered Office: Unit 3-04 St Albans House, Enterprise Centre, St Albans Road, Stafford ST16 3DP Company Number: 07482726
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